#SHRM14 Robin Roberts On The Virtues Of Just Rolling With It

If there is one lady I have always liked it’s Robin Roberts.  She is probably the singular reason GMA is on my morning news rotations between CNN, Morning Joe and my local news (which I just need for traffic).

Robin kicked off SHRM#14 with a little humor, good storytelling and I LOT of levity.  “We are all a little bit stronger than we think we are”.  We hear about engagement at work. And I have written several post with the sentiment “everybody’s got their S**t” from the point of view of an HR pro and also about being your authentic self, especially at work.  But sometimes people have a story embodying those sentiments so compelling, that no opining does it justice.  And that person would be Robin Roberts.

Why she’s so compelling:

  • She is from Mississippi (where I grew up) – so, she is already and A player to me.
  • She worked in Hattiesburg, Mississippi – the city I grew up and went to college (USM! Southern Miss To The Top).
  • She is one of the most respected journalists in the world.
  • She overcame Hurricane Katrina.
  • She overcame cancer.
  • She overcame MDS.
  • She publicly came-out.
  • She continued to work.
  • She continued to inspire.
  • And after she was in remission or (possibly cured) her and the GMA gang threw a “rager”.  She got her drunk-on and admitted it. Love it.

She never complained.  She rolled with it.

Now seriously, behind closed doors I’m certain she had support, breakdowns, and hard days.  But her perseverance was palpable. And she has a story worth hearing.

So HR Pros:

  • Again, it bears repeating, everybody has their problems at work. Really. Everyone.  Give the employees that may be getting under your skin, or underperforming, or zoning out, or getting to work a little late the benefit of the doubt (at first ) that maybe something more is going on.
  • We as HR pros, have so much to juggle.  Just roll with it.  I mean the alternative of stress, anger, worry, and anxiety hasn’t worked so well for any of us.

Check out her new book “Everybody’s Got Something”.  

Let me know what you think






Published by

Dawn Hrdlica-Burke

VP People & Culture/ Talent Consulting at Kinetix. Advisor. Speaker. Writer.

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